February 7, 2025

Dog Training Points Trained Companions

Animals are Friends, Treat them with Love

Pet Expo charities sponsor rescue, adoption & emergency vet care

Pet Expo charities sponsor rescue, adoption & emergency vet care

This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author’s own.

Performances by comedians for Must Love Dogs and Comedy will amuse attendees and their pooches at Super Pet Expo in Edison January 6-8 but the animal rescue charities and pet wellness organizations the troupe has supported is no laughing matter.

Must Love Dogs and Comedy has donated more than $16,000 to animal rescue and wellness organizations in the New York metro area via sold-out performances in its brief year and a half life. The good works of co-founders Jolie Dudley and Nicholas Polanco amplify initiatives of such Super Pet Expo exhibitors as Outcast Rescue and Lost Dog Search & Rescue.

Must Love’s donations have supported such essentials as an emergency vet fund and a therapy dog initiative. Following are just some of the organizations to which Must Love has donated: Gays for Strays; Korean K9 Rescue; Mission Paws’ble.org; Muddy Paws Rescue; Social Tees Animal Rescue; Bideawee animal people for people who love animals and North Shore Animal League America.

Another Super Pet Expo feature at the New Jersey Convention Center is produced by United Cat Club, a not for profit that will host TICA Breeds such as Bengals, Maine Coons, Abyssinians, Siamese, and more. Visitors are invited to support the Club by bringing canned or dry cat food that it will distribute to local rescue organizations. Reps from EveryCat Health—that promotes the health and welfare of all cats and their owners—will also be there to advise attendees.

Visitors will experience the joyful chaos of Must Love’s shows. The shows exemplify the expression “pets are part of our family” because dogs are invited to enjoy the comedy sets with their doting human best friends. In addition to making all creatures laugh, the partners also provide a platform for underrepresented comedy performers.

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Dudley described what happened during a long pause in a song sung by one of the comedians: The quiet was quickly broken by the exuberant howl of one of the four-legged attendees, which brought down the house.

Joining Must Love Dogs and United Cat Club are Dexter, a canine social media star who, since an injury, walks upright like a person on his hind legs and is an inspiration to millions; games for dogs who are invited to attend and more.

For more information visit https://www.superpetexpo.com/

The views expressed in this post are the author’s own. Want to post on Patch?
