Owners Stephanie and Joe Cross stand Tuesday in their store Scales and Tails Pet Supplies at 120 Center St. in Auburn. They opened the store about four months ago and are still filling the large space with a wide variety of goods and animals. Their dog, Redford, enjoys greeting customers. Daryn Slover/Sun Journal
A locally owned and operated pet supply store called Scales and Tails Pet Supplies has opened at 120 Center St., in the former Juliet’s Clothing space. It’s the corner store in the Center Street Plaza with Gipper’s Sports Grill and Burnt Ends Barbecue.
Owners Stephanie and Joe Cross opened the store about four months ago and are still filling the large space with a wide variety of goods and animals, with plans to expand the offerings in the coming months to include live fish and live reptiles. Rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs are part of the plan as well.
Stephanie said she’s been an animal lover all her life and claims 81 animals as her own, babies not counted. She’s also worked in the pet store industry at Pet Quarters and Pet Life, and breeds mice, rats and insects for reptiles.
She said what sets them apart from the chain pet stores is they cater to customers wishes, be it for a bunny and a habitat or something more exotic, she’ll source it for customers.
Scales and Tails stocks a variety of foods, including frozen, grain free and preservative free. Stephanie said she is looking to partner with someone locally to source organic, wholesome pet treats and foods. There are crates, cages, bedding and toys.
Redford is the resident canine who will greet customers with a tail wag. The velveteen lop bunny is unbelievably soft and may also greet customers.
Stephanie said she’ll be at the Maine Reptile Expo on Sunday at The Colisée from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Scales and Tails is open 7 days a week, Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The new store has a website and they are active on social media, or call the store at 888-844-1840.
The Buzz offers quick hits about trending area business happenings. Have a Buzzable tip? Contact business writer Christopher Wheelock at 689-2817 or [email protected]
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